
δεκατριών (η Ophiuchi).

δεκατριών (η Ophiuchi).

Stranger{,} things have happened to give me a fright.
Besides gliding through sundown on a sheet of ice,

i received word of your forthcoming; homebound defense.
the hour i descend into the midnights' torment...
suspense is spilled from my sins; repent.
dear next of kin,
i've killed the sense of my lips' intent.

more than twice i've followed such concise advice:
(quite politely)
a verbal device used to suffice those enticed:

The B.Ginnings:

it all started the day i met you, Quindel Winkellynn.
[enter]: bearing the drapery of a black cravat.
over your shoulders you hold two ticking clock sets
and a pair of watches to match in each pocket.
around your neck, a mourning locket.

my formal introduction:
"color me naive...but sir, may i have the time please?"

a frosted dew holds steady over the marigolds this particular time of year.
the only variable to sway the hinterland condensation is the ill breeze of march.
it is told from rooftops to market squares that this season...the ides are come.
much like the times of Babylon, Romans; the great and empires of Caesar
the calendar possesses a noble truth that which carries forth dictation of our reality.
an intangible matter.
or so we believe.


it all ended the day i met you, Quindel Winkellynn.
Visions of scenes between decisions; foreseen.
"rounding the {second} of zero-nine-seventeen".

we are quick to talk regarding the clock.
patience is our matter of which is yet unlocked.
defended by the secrets' conclusion.
indisposed to divulge aid to my constant confusion.
Entry: (dis)closed.

the note is transposed-
transmitted below
exceeding frequency,
leaving the error exposed.
complete the measure
and together we interpret the treasure;

i was the witness to the crafts' last descent.
i was the one with the dexterity to foreknow it.
...and i watched in sheer amazement.

i arrive.
destination: astral plane.
a wish i've devised to obtain.
THE SENSATION! - i can not begin to describe in words...
...and if tried would render the magnitude far less magnifici-phenomin.< .dfnsFDSFJK

the less i say, the better.

i sustain to be the sailor of rustic seas.
a seafarer in summer breeze.
a wayfarer in Japanese.
i persist as the peddler with forsaken hands.
a navigator of vacant lands.
a vagrant with domestic plans.
i became the gypsy gratefully bent on hopes & ropes.
a nomad currently en route to elope.
a vagabond left behind in the algebraic slopes.
i thrive being the traveler with dreams to ascend.
a tourist transcending behind a lens.
a commuter too insecure to make amends.
i dwell as the drifter with only you in mind.
a migrant continuously scouring through fibers of time.
a refugee for all mankind; refined.

...and to the world,
i am blind.

(...)And i was unaware.
there must be a way out of here.

The tribe has credited the nights left unslept to the the memories they kept throughout each prior day. Quapaw men are more likely to engage in the practice of consciously induced states of lucidity to exercise self-evaluation during the owls' hours. It is commonly known throughout native congregations indigenous to our vicinity as "senseless insomnia". I confide to my pencil and tablet tonight. By morning we will once again make our retreat into the rivers' delta and navigate our way to the location of the underwater corridor. The spirits will keep a constant ward while underway as they undoubtedly have for the entire duration of the enlightened excursion. I am certain we will scale the channel tomorrow.

THEY are everywhere.

i took to the hills as an advocate of tempers and transmissions.
a cause to cease, dismiss or release...by fair war of intuition.

close guarded and alert, we watch walls in suspicion.
anticipating worlds we've wearied a slight disposition.

highly intuitive raptured apparitions.
the pen, a sword, i relinquish in submission.

once a fear i renounced in familiar recognition.
now sustains faith as we further acquisition.

a transition between chaos and recondition.
conformity bestowed upon those in a subtle tradition.

i present before you...my definitive composition.

"let love live uncertain."

a prose left; unwritten,
to the existing rest; unwitting.

"has it become a matter of resolution?"

what once embodied few now has taught me...
my instincts subsumed truth of who i sought to be.
revived and identified as the contrived Conclusion:
a new pursuit to revise my (thoughts.) <---- alluding to illusions.

i've pigeon-holed myself in the cavity of defeat.
bred on first instinct to agree, retreat and repeat.
a surrogate father before the holiness; himself.
the majestic locus hath no place to dwell.

united we weep.

a method of precautions to side-step petty contention.
i will not sink to the fray yet rise in its' flames.
embedded in my nature to avoid such confrontation.

"my name will no longer proclaim the same…
…of what once was plagued by shame."

-he exclaimed.

i would admit to stealing a page from history if i hadn't forged the wordsmyself.

:: plates of offering sit afront two women underneath the brisk afternoon warmth ::
:: a mother, a daughter; four hands reach forward towards the one they sit before ::

the clock; begging for mercy
a tear; from civil courtesy.
the hours creep
a gesture repeats.
the moonlight shadow takes possession of the tablecloth where remaining cups of tea lie untouched…now cold.
a fortune once heard of words from the courier left unspoken…to be told.

as their heads begin to bow, a signal is stretched across the ruby sky.
signified as a sense to confide…they each close their eyes.
"clutched from my heart and i can't deny…
our lives are comprised of the answers we find."

i've fallen back into the past !!
drenched in pursuit of unnerving trouble nearing.
a story unfolds; as if taking one step forward before years ago.
herein lies the tale of gallant and foe.

yet again i've come up last.
the chase is pure, my dearest; APPEARING:
th(r)ough these eyes reveal fear disguised
by the piercing fright of preceding lives.

i've told the fable of none shall know.

The Very Thievery.ONcE in a FORtNight.

verting transition to bleed one motion ..rightarrow ..!.., into the nex.
(as if ife wasn't nearly seamless enougǶ).


| ..ldots | ..!.., how could we lose sight of pride with my words
by your side you read before sleep each night.
a ..mathbf{Q} ..!..,uarter turn of events around the kings' time table
tells a tale of trials once thought of a fable.
slightly induced by a weary prōōf that led us to believe the ways of our youth.
but by now i have learned (and i pray the same for you)
that people, by any means, can alter their own views.

and so it goes…and so it shall be.

lately i've been thinking from the sideline
that maybe i'm just ȵ◯ţ worth your time.
don't let them under your skin, iȡ.
____you're much more than what they take you for.

your pedesʈals are inʈangible, mr. opaque.

= 13.