|| Mans' Cites.
Dionysus; surrender my companion.
less eager to retreat when the numbers have been painted in our blessing.
thus// contrived ...be at wits' ends when you reply.
thus// contrived ...be at wits' ends when you reply.
Day 7: the sun has failed.
ALAS!! To grieve with the fallen trees
& frosted air casting directions towards the empty chair beside me.
Zealous; forfeit my opponent.
remain virtuous, dear pioneer.
at long last...a privilege to fortify
pockets suspending shallow and shy.
remain virtuous, dear pioneer.
at long last...a privilege to fortify
pockets suspending shallow and shy.
repeat ±: a lot more heart & a little less logic.
Who hath prophesied? The soothsayers exclaimed.. 'NAY!'
the Bridges, the Trenches, the Boats...
meander our way through the sifting time
journey of sub-mental distortions
at the polar || end of this black-hole.
and thus again we drift ashore
assured the sands of the glass will shift once more.
Uptown has their secrets to hide
submerging sanctuary from where i reside.
fordable depths by the hour we all arrive.
no crops to spare so respite the deprived.
ankle weights configured for my physique figure.
rigorous labor for the mandatory induced masses
survive on the daily grind nine to five.
pinching pennies from the poor to maintain a life.
and i'm to believe there's H-O-P-E in the work force.
arbitrary; i interject with this single stipulation.
a.) one must be so inclined t(w)o see ©.
smearing the wrath of the orchid paint
to accentuate your poor attempt at nobility.
the canvas; awaiting, lacks desire to be created
yet wishes to seduce its' plaguing muse.
steady our course
in hopes no epigone locates the source.
(nu||)& void; heretofore be [ful]filled.
waterways, river banks...and infinite states away.
shore tides roll like the wheels i keep spinning beneath me.
together-><- envision::the empire we sought to build.
le'ts meet sub rosa
and exchange the letters we wrote while apart.
mine starts:
'dearest goddess,
you're only as good as the company you keep
and i shall not be susceptible to the herd instinct sheep.
if you were to choose the mass over me...then forever; disunion,
we remain to be.'
as i fold open the missive you had placed in my hand
i look up to find i am standing alone.
: the paper left blank
your grief speaks with depth
: the epistle awaiting its' first word.
& the power of strength invested in numbers.
my longing for you swells in hopes of what our future has in store.
upon your midnights' arrival
i've put the calvary to rest.
the horsemen said we'd never make it
and insisted we forgo the quest.
yet we all press on...
wayward to beyond.
our immortality becomes boastful
whilst the expansion of our consciousness settles
and we leave our minds to idle at bay.
repentance resounds in my heart
as we sever the ropes to cast away.
oh; civil day.
there's danger in those worlds!
Please, Prevail.
a prose to st(h)rive
|.| Since your absence...
i snap a shutter to inform you--
I'm alive.
and...|| scene ||
as for the sequel...
i regret to inform you all that i must close the curtains on the show.
so let's get a move on, folks...
i'm safe; i'm home.
Courtesy supplicated none other than myself.